OPTI LTD | Exceptional Yields and Flexibility


Whole Leg Deboning and Flexible Dark Meat Deboning Solutions

In the past whole leg, thigh and drumstick deboning, was a labor intensive and inefficient process. It either required a lot of skilled labor or the automation that was available was slow, capital intensive and had a high cost of ownership and low yields due to rework.

Since the market for deboned dark meat is growing fast, there also is a need to be flexible to supply various segments of the market with different boneless dark meat products. To do so, requires flexible automation that does not require change over time or parts. Therefore, Foodmate decided to develop a flexible system that can be used to debone all variations of dark meat such as whole leg meat, thigh meat and drumstick meat.


Foodmate OPTI LTD Dark Meat Deboning System

Foodmate’s new OPTI LTD Dark Meat Deboning System is a flexible, total dark meat deboning solution that produces high-yield, superior quality meat efficiently and cost effectively.

Capable of deboning 100 skinless or skin-on anatomical whole legs, thighs and drumsticks per minute, this system is so flexible that no additional parts or changes are required when switching between the various dark meat products.


NEW! Automated J-Cutting Station

In addition, the new system now has an added automated J-Cutting Station, which makes a

pre-cut along the drumstick bone, knee joint and thigh bone.


Key Benefits:

  • Excellent yields
  • Low cost of ownership
  • High output per operator
  • Optional Knee-Cap Remover
  • Designed to debone any size bird
  • Optional Automated J-Cutting Station
  • Minimal bone content - less trimming required
  • Capable of meeting all boneless leg meat specifications
  • Debones 100 whole legs, thighs or drumsticks per minute
  • Simple all-mechanical design, user friendly and easy to maintain
  • Can process left, right or both legs depending on chosen configuration